Technical Artist

I am currently a Technical Artist for (Chicago-Baltimore) working in the World of Tanks franchise. I also worked for 5+ years for DS Volition in the Agents of Mayhem and Saints Row franchises. My work involves developing tools for the Lighting, VFX, and Environmental & Props groups. 

Scientific Illustration

I started my career illustrating scientific concepts for the University of Illinois, CU. This is an area that has always interested me and I continue to generate illustrations for many research groups around the country.

CG Generalist

My main interests as a generalist are Modeling & Texturing, Lighting, Rendering, and Scripting.

Production Tools 


All the images presented in this section were created by many of the great artists I had the privilege to work with during my time at Deep Silver Volition. I did not create these images and Deep Silver Volition owns the copyrights. I am using the images in the gallery to show what my tools helped create. For screenshots, code samples, and detail description of the tools please email me


Agents of Mayhem

Lighting Tools for DSV Proprietay Editor:
- Time of Day (TOD) Editor for creation of keyframes and timelines
- Scene TOD keyframe/timeline loading tool
- Component Property Editor    
    * Spread sheet editor for multiple game
       objects value editing
- Light Toolkit  
    * Light Intensity Calculator  
    * Luma Calculator  
    * Liner to sRGB conversion tool

VFX Tools for DSV Proprietay Editor:
- Dynamic UI shader property workflow for VFX shaders
- VFX Clipboard:    
   * Copy/Paste curves and gradient properties    
   * Save/Load collections of properties ( json format)

Other Technical Support:
* Text and Voice over support
* Prop Models outsourcing support
* VFX outsourcing support
* Python scripts for collecting game related data


Saints Row IV &
DLC ( Saints Save Christmas )

* Cinematics support
* Props and Environment model troubleshooting
* Shader and Material support


Saints Row : The Third

* Shader and Material Development for Props,
   Environmental models and VFX
* Props and Environment model troubleshooting
* Dual paraboloid and cubemap generation tool (C++)


Tools and Scripts


Roof Structure Tool (2017):  This tool/script was created for the Cahokia project. The house models required roof frames. In order to speed up the process, this 2-step tool allows you to create the frame using a based model to provide the shape that you want to build. The first part of the script generates splines based on the edge loops for each selected edge, and then generates an extruded pole based on a profile. The second part of the script allows you select edges along the pole and the randomize position and scale to create a more natural look. It can be done on a group of selected edged or the edge indexes can be stored to apply as a batch to multiple poles with the same topology. ( Maya - Python )


These are some other examples of tools I have developed for projects throuought the years. (Python, C++, MEL.) 


Mesh projection based on axis or camera viewing vector

Maya - Python - MEL (UI )


Voronoi fracture system. 

Maya - Python


Data point cloud loader and Mesh generator

MEL - C++


Scientific Illustration & Visualization


I started my career illustrating scientific concepts for the Imaging Technology Group at the University of Illinois, Beckman Institute. Since 2006,  I have created images showcasing the research done by many great scientists from universities like the University of Illinois, Cornell University, Stanford University, University of Wisconsin, and many others. 


Software: Maya, Photoshop, After Effects, Mental Ray, Arnold, Amira, VDM, Python, C++


CG Generalist


Lighting, Rendering, Modeling, Texturing



Cahokia: The Emerald Acropolis Project (AR app)


The AR app is currently in development by the University of Illinois and University of Indiana Anthropology Departments with funds provided by the Templeton Foundation. My work on this project involves managing the art team, modeling/texturing and Unity set up. AR app developed by Alan Craig. Additional modeling, texturing, and logo design by Christie Klinger & Payton Focken


Above: Mood concept ( Photoshop, Marmoset, Maya ).

Below: Screen captures (Unity Engine)
Modeling: Maya. Texturing: Substance and Photoshop  Environment, Set Dressing, and Lighting: Unity. 


University of Illinois Alma Mater Restoration & AR app


During the restoration of the Alma Matter statue, an AR app was create to showcased the scanned 3D model in its absence. The 3D scan was done by Travis Ross, Manager of the Visualization Lab at the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois and the app was developed by Alan Craig. For this project, my work was clean up and reduction of the original model ( 20M polygons ), uv mapping, and baking.
Tools used: Maya, Zbrush, xNormal, Marmoset Toolbag, and Arnold.